First n fore most... all da pic i grab from DALMINATION n ALLkpop... i really really appreciate DALMINATION as they try to make DALMATIAN n their fans like me THE DALMATES always close together n keep things updated... n sorrie for broken english, grammar n spelling... hehehe i try my best on writing in english but at the same time... of coz i will use my mother-finger language... heheheh bcoz im typing not speaking... u noe wat i mean... hahahah... so who didnt noe who is Dalmatian is... jeng... jeng... dis is their pic... lets start with round 1... Dalmatian Doggy Dogs wuff!! wuf!!! wufff!!!
dis is their pic when they first debut on 1st September 2010, i always remember first performance on Mnet Countdown... i never impress with rookie on the very first performance but Dalmatian just come out n give a very flawless performance. so start on tat day, i become their followers n i follow every performance tat they do n they never fail to impressed me more. unfortunately not even 100 days of their debut, DALMATIAN stop promoting ROUND 1... i donno if dis had related between Dalmatian promotion n MC Mong case... ONLY GOD KNOW Y Dalmatian stop promoting... n bcoz of the high curiosity i made an twitter account for me to noe wat goin on with Dalmatian... hehehehe... im not tat crazy fans okie...
did ya found da un-familiar face... yes tat Simon... i think dis is the original DALMATIAN but Simon pulled back b4 Dalmatian start came out with Round 1... but Simon made it on MC MONG album n also MC MONG concert...

dis year 2011 DALMATIAN comeback!!! with the most impressive "The Man Opposed n Lover Cop" awesome... dis two single r from DALMATIAN first mini album... title of the album is THE FIRST MINI ALBUM... kih kih kih... y don ya checking on youtube n u noe wat i mean by awesome....

here... DALMATIAN with the name of member... now u noe... so... org kate kalau tak kenal maka ta cinta... skunk da kenal mst da cinta kan... LUv u guys DALMATIAN

DALMATIAN almost like Under-dog, n got under-estimated, underrated, hmmm wat ever... but Dalmatian is Terminator on Live stage... nobody can performance so flawless like Dalmatian did... i hope when time goes by... Dalmatian will gain more n more recognition from Music Lovers out there...

Inati ★ ( Jang Intae ) Real Name: Jang Intae Birthdate: March 6th, 1981 Height: 180cm (5'11") Weight: 66kg (145lbs) Blood Type: B Religion: Catholic Education: New Zealand Rotorua High School Siblings: one brother, one sister Hobbies: reading, acting Experience: CFs for Pringles, Hanaro Telecom, SK Sky, McDonalds, and LG070; Debuted in People Crew Featured In: MC Mong's 1st - 5th Albums; MC Mong's 'Mongie's Nomads' & 'Variety Mind' Concerts |
Dari ★ (Lee Dari)
Real Name: Lee Dari
Birthdate: July 4th, 1984
Height: 176cm (5'9")
Weight: 60kg (132lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Religion: Christian
Education: Yewon Arts University
Siblings: Three sisters
Hobbies: Fishing, Drawing
Experience: Modelling in various ads
Featured In: MC Mong's 4th-5th Albums; MC Mong's 'Variety Mind' Concert

Real Name: Lee Dari
Birthdate: July 4th, 1984
Height: 176cm (5'9")
Weight: 60kg (132lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Religion: Christian
Education: Yewon Arts University
Siblings: Three sisters
Hobbies: Fishing, Drawing
Experience: Modelling in various ads
Featured In: MC Mong's 4th-5th Albums; MC Mong's 'Variety Mind' Concert

DayDay ★ (David Kim)
Real Name: David Kim
Birthdate: September 20th, 1983
Height: 170cm (5'7")
Weight: 60kg (132lbs)
Blood Type: B
Religion: Christian
Education: University of Maryland
Siblings: Only child
Hobbies: Working out, Translating and rapping in English
Experience: Rap Trainer (2PM, Wonder Girls, Miss A, Sistar, and Secret)
Featured In: Lee Hyori's "Shall We Dance" and "Straight Up"; MC Mong's "Dalmatian Love"; Wonder Girls' "So What"; Uhm Junghwa's "Come to Me"; Wheesung's "This Kind of Situation"; Ivy's "No"; Son Dambi's "Start"

Real Name: David Kim
Birthdate: September 20th, 1983
Height: 170cm (5'7")
Weight: 60kg (132lbs)
Blood Type: B
Religion: Christian
Education: University of Maryland
Siblings: Only child
Hobbies: Working out, Translating and rapping in English
Experience: Rap Trainer (2PM, Wonder Girls, Miss A, Sistar, and Secret)
Featured In: Lee Hyori's "Shall We Dance" and "Straight Up"; MC Mong's "Dalmatian Love"; Wonder Girls' "So What"; Uhm Junghwa's "Come to Me"; Wheesung's "This Kind of Situation"; Ivy's "No"; Son Dambi's "Start"

Drama ★ (Daniel Chae)
Real Name: Daniel Chae
Birthdate: December 21, 1991
Height: 177cm (5'9")
Weight: 58kg (127lbs)
Blood Type: A
Religion: Christian
Education: Kent Foreigner School
Siblings: Two sisters
Hobbies: Watching Movies, Graffiti art
Experience: UCC TV Star "How to Seduce Mr. Daniel"; MBoat's Monday Concerts

Real Name: Daniel Chae
Birthdate: December 21, 1991
Height: 177cm (5'9")
Weight: 58kg (127lbs)
Blood Type: A
Religion: Christian
Education: Kent Foreigner School
Siblings: Two sisters
Hobbies: Watching Movies, Graffiti art
Experience: UCC TV Star "How to Seduce Mr. Daniel"; MBoat's Monday Concerts

Jisu ★ (Park Jisu)
Real Name: Park Jisu
Birthdate: July 28th, 1990
Height: 180cm (5'11")
Weight: 60kg (132lbs)
Blood Type: B
Religion: Christian
Education: Hanyang High School
Siblings: One sister
Hobbies: MIDI, Piano
Featured In: MC Mong's "Dalmatian Love"; MC Mong's 'Variety Mind' Concert

Real Name: Park Jisu
Birthdate: July 28th, 1990
Height: 180cm (5'11")
Weight: 60kg (132lbs)
Blood Type: B
Religion: Christian
Education: Hanyang High School
Siblings: One sister
Hobbies: MIDI, Piano
Featured In: MC Mong's "Dalmatian Love"; MC Mong's 'Variety Mind' Concert

Young Won ★ (Lee Dongrim)
Real Name: Lee DongRim
Birthdate: April 1st, 1990
Height: 177cm (5'9")
Weight: 62kg (137lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Religion: Christian
Education: Hansol High School
Siblings: One brother
Hobbies: Watching Movies, Dancing
Experience: Placed 1st in Busan Youth Song Festival

Real Name: Lee DongRim
Birthdate: April 1st, 1990
Height: 177cm (5'9")
Weight: 62kg (137lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Religion: Christian
Education: Hansol High School
Siblings: One brother
Hobbies: Watching Movies, Dancing
Experience: Placed 1st in Busan Youth Song Festival

so dis is my fave K-pop Band right now i have high expectation on them i hope they can b successful in da future... n gain more n more attention from the world... "DALMATIAN READY FOR THE WORLD" wuff!! wuff!! wuf!!
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