Sunday, September 25, 2011

Believe in Unexpected life Chapter 1 part 4

~alamak… I’m lateeeee!!!!!~ kata Youngwon, tidak di sangka pula yang dia akan lewat untuk menghadiri mesyuarat album penuh DALMATIAN yang pertama. Dia berlari sepantas yang boleh untuk sampai ke pejabat Monkey Funch. Butik Rye terletak tidak jauh daripada pejabat Monkey Funch, kalau mengukur mengikut jarak, 1 kilometer adalah jarak yang memisahkan dua tempat ini.

Youngwon tercungap-cungap berlarian sejauh 1k, jikalau dia tidak singgah di butik Rye, mungkin dia tidak perlu berlari-larian untuk sampai ke pejabat. Sampai sahaja di pintu bilik mesyuarat 1, Youngwon pon mengetuk pintu dengan nada takut-takut. Setelah Youngwon masuk ke dalam bilik mesyuarat dia terus tunduk 90’ meminta maaf kepada semua orang di atas kelewatan dia, namun dia masih di hukum… iaitu berlutut selama… sampai lah di beritahu kelak… =P (aku punya cerita… aku punya suka lah...)

Youngwon adalah salah seorang ahli daripada enam ahli anggota kumpulan DALMATIAN, dan ahli-ahli yang lain ialah ketua kumpulan iaitu abang kepada semua anggota DALMATIAN, INATI, abang kedua di dalam kumpulan ini dan seorang yang paling kelakar ialah DAYDAY. Manakala yang ke-tiga pula, DARI, yang lebih bersifat lembut di luar tetapi di dalam hati keras orangnya… ( macam lain macam jew bunyi ayat neyh… well wat I mean was DARI is more ANGELIC in person but kinda scary person tat hidden under tat ANGELIC personality… can I wrote Devilish ke~ke~ke). Manakala ahli seterusnya iaitu JEESU adalah seorang yang nampak macam pemalu, sopan, banyak cakap tapi sebenarnya sangat aktif orangnya. Ahli yang paling muda dan paling comel serta paling kacak iaitu Daniel.

Setelah dua tahun mereka debut sebagai rookie, mereka tidak pernah lagi mengeluarkan album penuh, ini kerana mereka menunggu DARI untuk keluar daripada menjalankan tugas untuk negara sebagai seorang tentera. Jadi pada hari ini, adalah hari yang penting kepada semua ahli DALMATIAN dan pada hari ini juga lah Younwon terlewat untuk menghadiri mesyuarat yang sangat penting dalam hidup mereka. “hey kiddie… did you know today is very important day to all of you!!! How dare you arrived ten minutes late!!! I really don’t believe this” kata ketua CEO ISTERMEDIA dengan nada yang marah dan tidak berpuas hati dengan perangai yang di tunjukan oleh Youngwon, baru sahaja Youngwon mahu membuat penjelasan tetapi di hentikan oleh CEO dan mereka meneruskan mesyuarat dengan Youngwon masih di hokum berlutut. “Stupid girl!!! If I know it will end up like this… I probably took 10 pieces of clothes from her store” kata Youngwon di dalam hati dan youngwon menyimpan dendam terhadap Keisuke dan berharap akan membalasnya selepas mesyuarat ini tamat

Friday, September 16, 2011

Believe in Unexpected life Chapter 1 part 3

Part 3

Seperti pagi-pagi yang biasa, Keisuke akan membuka pintu butik tersebut dan menjalankan kerja-kerja harian seperti menyapu sampah, mengelap tingkap cermin kedai, melipat pakaian dan pelbagai kerja lagi yang di lakukannya. Rye pula kadang-kadang datang kedai… kadang-kadang tak datang lansung… depend on da mood Rye said… yelah setalah setahun Rye membuka butik tersebut, tidak pernah sehari pun dia mengambil cuti, setelah kedatang keisuke dan berkerja untunya maka inilah masanya Rye melepakkan dan memanjakan dirinya di rumah. Tetapi keisuke tidak kisah kerana sudah 6 bulan dia duduk di rumah tanpa melakukan apa-apa, jadi inilah masanya Keisuke tribute kan tenaga dan usahanya kepada sesuatu yang berguna.

Setelah Keisuke mengelap tingkap cermin kedai, dia pun mebuang air kotoran di kawasan kaki lima butik seperti biasa. Namun pada hari itu, nasib tidak menyebelahi Keisuke kerana…. “NNNNOOOO!!!!!!! I’m sorry… I didn’t mean too… owh… I’m really… really sorrie mister” keisuke secara tidak sengaja telah menjirus air kotoran ke arah seseorang yang melalui kawasan butik Rye. Kemudian lelaki itu melihat keisuke dengan wajah serius, sambil memerah air yang keluar daripada bajunya. “wat u gonna do with my clothes~ gurl… u know I’m in a rush right now… n I need to go somewhere important!!!” setelah mendengar kata-kata lelaki itu, Keisuke yang berada di dalam keadaan ketakutan terus menarik tangan lelaki tersebut dan menyuruh dia memilih mana-mana pakaian yang dia mahu di dalam butik Rye.

`”I let dis one slide… but next time u better throw all da dirt not in front of ur store… but at the back of ur store… or somebody else will b like me… DID U UNDERSTAND!!!!” kata lelaki yang tidak di ketahui asal usulnya itu. Keisuke tidak mampu berkata-kata tetapi hanya menganggukkan kepala, kemudian lelaki itu pun berlalu terus menuju kearah tujuannya, tanpa di sedari Keisuke melambai-lambai kearah lelaki tu. ~ hadoiiiiiii… wat a day today… *sigh huhuhu but he such a cutie ya know~ kata Keisuke seorang diri sambil tersenyum.

Believe in Unexpected life Chapter 1 part 2

Part 2.

~Pagi yang gelap kini sudah terang~ aku adik mu dan engkau abang~ ingin ku pulang ke waktu itu yeah!!!~ Keisuke menyapu-nyapu sampah di kedai butik Rye, sambil memerhatikan tanda nama kedai Rye… RAY-E Butik… Keisuke melihat pula kepada pakaian-pakaian yang di jual oleh Rye, kemudian Keisuke berpikir lagi, sambil dia menyapu sampah di tempat yang sama lebih daripada 10 minit. Kemudian entah dari arah mana, tiba-tiba penutup periuk melayang terus kena tepat di kepala Keisuke…

“wat!!!! Whoa!!! Better tell me now!!! Whoever throws tat kepala periuk nasi kat aku!!!” Keisuke yang kemarah-marahan look around n she found out there is nobody around. She is wondering where the hell kepala periuk nasi came from… is it fallin from da sky??? Huhuhu tiba-tiba Keisuke dapat rasakan bulu romanya berdiri, n she running towards inside the store. ~scarieeeeee~

“apabikin budak… y u running like a ghost chasing over u… or did a ghost really chasing you” tanya Rye sambil membulatkan matanya dan berkata lagi “last time, there was customer told me tat, somebody wit a very long hair asked her to buy a cloth for her… standing right in front dis butik” Rye melihat tepat ke mata keisuke sambil mengangguk-nganggukan kepalanya. “is it true… huhuhu im scared!!! Y u rent such a creepy place… u shouldn’t open a butik but a ghost house instead… huhuhuhuhuh” keisuke ketakutan sambil mengigil-gigil. “hey!!! Bodoh… mana ada hantu lah… ingat ini cerita hantu kak limah pulang ke kedai baju ke apa!!! Crazy!!! Now continue with your work… remember I’m your boss here” kata Rye sambil tersenyum. ~habis tu siapa yang baling kepala periuk nasi tu… hairanya~ kata Keisuke di dalam hati , seterusnya keisuke kembali menyambung kerja-kerjanya di dalam kedai butik tersebut.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Chapter 1

Part 1

Merenung langit yang membiru dan sang mentari menyinari hari, cuaca sungguh panas hari ini. Keisuke termenung mengenangkan nasib yang masih lagi menanam anggur setelah 6 bulan tamat pengajian. “what I’m gonna do now… I felt my life so damn empty… SOMEBODY PLEASE GIVE ME SOME JOB!!!!!!” keisuke menjerit sambil melihat langit... tetiba baru lah Keisuke perasaan yang sekarang dia berada di tengah-tengah orang ramai di Bandar Metrofulus. Keisuke tersenyum kesorangan, sambil menunduk-nunduk hormat kepada orang sekeliling. Sambil mengarukan kepalanya, Keisuke meneruskan perjalanannya ke Butik pakaian kawan karibnye Rye, yang terletak di hujung Bandar Metrofulus.

“hey babe… long time no see~ how your business… everything good” Keisuke menyapa Rye yang sedang melipat-lipat pakaian di bahagian hadapan butiknya. “I hope so… (*sigh) from the beginning of my business it’s just goin on so n so” sambil membuat muka comel kepada Keisuke, ternampak wajah letih terpapar pada muka Rye. “’I’m here to tell u somethin my dear… ( sambil posing ala-ala ultraman ) I’m here to da rescue!!!” kata Keisuke yang penuh bersemangat waja, cuba menceriakan Rye yang Nampak agak serabut dan sugul. “u??? how u want to rescue me~ u’ve got plenty of money??? Did u want buy all da clothes here??? If tat wat u wanna do~ yay!!!!! Please do so!!!!... nak… nak… nak…” kata Rye kepada Keisuke yang mengaru-garukan kepalanya sambil memikirkan kata-kata yang tidak masuk akal oleh Rye. “HUH!!! Wat!!! Kepala otak-otak kempas lah Rye ni… no~ I mean, I gonna help u here at ur butik n u gonna to hired me… pppplleeasssseee~” kali ni Rye pulak menggarukan kepalanya “didn’t I told u tat my business just so n so… how will I pay a very smart n intelligent student highly graduated from top university… unaffordable… I can’t hire u Kei-Chan” Keisuke terus melutut dan beggin kepade Rye supaya Rye mengambil dia berkerja dan akhirnya Rye setuju setelah di pujuk dengan pelbagai cara oleh Keisuke.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Believe in Unexpected life

This storie staring the main n the center of da storie...

The Lead actresses

as~ Ray-E as~ Keisuke
as~ Melanie as~ Suzanne
as~ Suki as~ Ai Ching

synopsis of da storie...
each member of DALMATIAN fall in luv in a unexpected gurl in unexpected situation~
n in life itself full with unexpected decision... the faith has make them come together with a lil hardwork, trust, and caring... they believe tat ol of the unexpected things tat happen was GOD to destiny them to be together... but can they b together... or DALMATIAN cant fall in luv bcoz they were idol~ but dis is just a typical fan fic... w typical ending~ how typical it was~ its up to u to read n follow~ to c how da ending goes~ tat s ol fo now~

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

just got inspired THANKS TAMMY!!!!

bcoz of my fren on twitter world~
make me in da mood again to write fan fic about my fave band~
huhuhu~ fan fic about TVXQ long~ long ~ time ago.. just got suspended...
its bcoz i try to make it 100 pages~ n now~ i lost the whole storie...
becoz my lappy was attacked by virus~
just several of da part still fine...
so i decide to make it about my new biases...
DALMATIAN~ 6 talented guys~
very bad boys~
n fan fic~ tat im gonna write~ is about~ not frm DALMATIAN point of view...
but on other side~ kekeke~
well i donno korea or korea languages so im not gonna used words or name of places
in my fan fic~ so chaiyokkk~ chaiiiyoookk to me~ so tat i can write...
simple~ nice storie about DALMATIAN~
haiiiiiyyyaaakkk~ goooooo~

p/s~so of da words might sound ridiculous... its was typical humor in malay languages =P enjoy ur reading~

Monday, August 1, 2011

poor tree~ one of its branch fall of totally n the feelin of da tree oso change... da tree not as the usually tree tat its used to be~ the monkey hurt it~ n one of the branch left it... n da tree become super sad... until a small waterholes appear near the tree coz the tree crying so hard everyday... the monkey only know that its didnt doin anything wrong~ its only know tat wat its feelin by eating da chilly... without thinking da monkey already make da tree sad n hurting~~ n da branch~ its can start a new life~ n become da tree by its self n living a new by the chilly new seed~ tat been throw byt the monkey~ does anyone ever notice tat the tree act sad~ or just passed by like nothing happen~ n da tree live by it own~ sad... n its cry evry day... just hoping tat new branch gonna grow anew n its gonna b happie once again with da birds n squirrels... people who stop by the tree~ move by the hit of the wind~ get wet n cold by the rain~ n da tree gonna wear big smile when ol dis things happen again~ ol da tree need is... courage n spirit to stand tough~ TREE U GONNA MAKE IT~ ur root is tougher than any other tree~ STAND TOUGH!!! STAND TOUGH!!!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

am my drawing pic~ look kinda awesome~ kekeke its totally free hand without thinking wanna make it pretty i just post dis one on my lovely blog... so wat with da drawing~ actually its start with MALAY children rhymes like dis one ~TANYA SAMA POKOK APA SEBAB GOYANG...~NANTI JAWAB POKOK ANGIN YANG GONCANG~
from da rhyme its told us tat the tree move by its own when the wind comes by... so tat in life its not always stable coz sumetimes GOD send us challenge n adventure to live but dis time from my own experience i wanna give dis rhymes a twits regarding my drawing XD
from my point of view~ its mean dis life challenge not naturally came as its suppose to~ but via someone who act purposed to break u... n da monkey lost his temptation by eating da chilly n da red chilly very red~ lovely from d out side but gonna give u uneasy feelin once u ate it... those who didnt realize or got cheated by the appearance of the chilly or stupid like da monkey~gonna easily influenced by the evil red chilly...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa

wahh~ mochan used my lappy over n over again... last time he install virus... n now~ owhhh kutuk2 i kat nenet yew mochan!!!
well today im not gonna write about mochan but... im gonna write about my fave MUVIE!!! i never thought tat Malaysian Muvie Maker can do such a muvie... well for me dis is most likely HOLLYWOOD style of muvie... i think dis lord of the ring Malaysia style hehehe... setinggi-tinggi pujian kepada KRU production yg mengambil inisiatif dalam mebikini filem ini... totally awesome fantastic n i wish KRU can make 3D with dis Muvie... owhhh i forgot to write KRU production make dis muvie... KRU not just making Muvie, they also produce n write song n also da most successful artist in MALAYSIA... awesome isnt it???
so dis is the poster to promote HIKAYAT MERONG MAHAWANGSA... so did ya understand by im saying Lord Of da Ring kinda like aiitteeee...
Hikayat Merong Mahwangsa is a storie based on MALAYSIA history... so all Malaysian should watch dis right... even though the actual storie wrote giant HELANG/GARUDA attacking Langkasuka (langkawi) was changing to pirate in dis muvie... but its make sense coz... nenek moyang ske membesar-besarkan cter kann... jadi sye setuju sangat dengan penukaran helang besar ngan lanun... jadi cerite nie menjadi lebih realistik daripada mitos orang dulu-dulu
so dis is the hero n da heroin~ i like the hero but the heroin mcm kureng ckit lah... i ta ske die... but she act okielah...
dis princess n dis prince lookin fined together... n in one dialog said by princess inang "in u married to dis man u will get one pretty daughter" awww... cool aiiite
i hate dis two stupid villain... tat mean they good aiitte... coz they able to make audience like me feel hating against em... Kamawas... da stupid mawas=monkey hahahahahahha they r the Geruda/helang... heads of pirate tat attacking langkasuka (langkawi)

for bonus... i would like to sharing dis pic... i like dis LAKSAMANA CHINA... he so cool he so handsome... n i like watching him in dis muvie... but at the end of the muvie he die n da dialog tat i remember da most "princess im sorry i cant b at ur wedding but plz take dis life as ur wedding present" huhuhu crying T_T crying so bad... so who evr not watching dis muvie yet... come on ppl lets watching it aiiite... for further info u can visit HIKAYAT MERONG MAHAWANGSA on FACEBOOK n KRU official website... thankiu for reading disss~ =)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mochan Boring day~

Me iaitu Mochan... feelin so boring... when im staying in da house my job none other eating sleepin n eating again... until my stomach growing bigger n bigger... but if i don eat... i felt so hungry... so wat must i do... huhuhu if i have a gurlfren probably i wont felt boring anymore huhuhuhu... so to female cats out there... called me at 1800-meow-meow hahahah

like always... my mokcik always disturb me... can c me relax a lil... mokcik!!!! don u have job to do... if u dont have any... why wont u do somethin else beside disturb me... hello sexy momma... dont forget to called me yeah~ hahahha

mokcik???? wat type of pic is dis... huhuhuhu so the end of storie... my plan to hit on pussycats is not accomplished... myb next time when mokcik goin to work n not at home... hot sexy momma out there... plz waiting for me yeah!!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011


First n fore most... all da pic i grab from DALMINATION n ALLkpop... i really really appreciate DALMINATION as they try to make DALMATIAN n their fans like me THE DALMATES always close together n keep things updated... n sorrie for broken english, grammar n spelling... hehehe i try my best on writing in english but at the same time... of coz i will use my mother-finger language... heheheh bcoz im typing not speaking... u noe wat i mean... hahahah... so who didnt noe who is Dalmatian is... jeng... jeng... dis is their pic... lets start with round 1... Dalmatian Doggy Dogs wuff!! wuf!!! wufff!!!
dis is their pic when they first debut on 1st September 2010, i always remember first performance on Mnet Countdown... i never impress with rookie on the very first performance but Dalmatian just come out n give a very flawless performance. so start on tat day, i become their followers n i follow every performance tat they do n they never fail to impressed me more. unfortunately not even 100 days of their debut, DALMATIAN stop promoting ROUND 1... i donno if dis had related between Dalmatian promotion n MC Mong case... ONLY GOD KNOW Y Dalmatian stop promoting... n bcoz of the high curiosity i made an twitter account for me to noe wat goin on with Dalmatian... hehehehe... im not tat crazy fans okie...
did ya found da un-familiar face... yes tat Simon... i think dis is the original DALMATIAN but Simon pulled back b4 Dalmatian start came out with Round 1... but Simon made it on MC MONG album n also MC MONG concert...
dis year 2011 DALMATIAN comeback!!! with the most impressive "The Man Opposed n Lover Cop" awesome... dis two single r from DALMATIAN first mini album... title of the album is THE FIRST MINI ALBUM... kih kih kih... y don ya checking on youtube n u noe wat i mean by awesome....
here... DALMATIAN with the name of member... now u noe... so... org kate kalau tak kenal maka ta cinta... skunk da kenal mst da cinta kan... LUv u guys DALMATIAN
DALMATIAN almost like Under-dog, n got under-estimated, underrated, hmmm wat ever... but Dalmatian is Terminator on Live stage... nobody can performance so flawless like Dalmatian did... i hope when time goes by... Dalmatian will gain more n more recognition from Music Lovers out there...
Inati ★ ( Jang Intae )
Real Name: Jang Intae
Birthdate: March 6th, 1981
Height: 180cm (5'11")
Weight: 66kg (145lbs)
Blood Type: B
Religion: Catholic
Education: New Zealand Rotorua High School
Siblings: one brother, one sister
Hobbies: reading, acting
Experience: CFs for Pringles, Hanaro Telecom, SK Sky, McDonalds, and LG070; Debuted in People Crew
Featured In: MC Mong's 1st - 5th Albums; MC Mong's 'Mongie's Nomads' & 'Variety Mind' Concerts
Dari ★ (Lee Dari)
Real Name: Lee Dari
Birthdate: July 4th, 1984
Height: 176cm (5'9")
Weight: 60kg (132lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Religion: Christian
Education: Yewon Arts University
Siblings: Three sisters
Hobbies: Fishing, Drawing
Experience: Modelling in various ads
Featured In: MC Mong's 4th-5th Albums; MC Mong's 'Variety Mind' Concert

DayDay ★ (David Kim)
Real Name: David Kim
Birthdate: September 20th, 1983
Height: 170cm (5'7")
Weight: 60kg (132lbs)
Blood Type: B
Religion: Christian
Education: University of Maryland
Siblings: Only child
Hobbies: Working out, Translating and rapping in English
Experience: Rap Trainer (2PM, Wonder Girls, Miss A, Sistar, and Secret)
Featured In: Lee Hyori's "Shall We Dance" and "Straight Up"; MC Mong's "Dalmatian Love"; Wonder Girls' "So What"; Uhm Junghwa's "Come to Me"; Wheesung's "This Kind of Situation"; Ivy's "No"; Son Dambi's "Start"

Drama ★ (Daniel Chae)
Real Name: Daniel Chae
Birthdate: December 21, 1991
Height: 177cm (5'9")
Weight: 58kg (127lbs)
Blood Type: A
Religion: Christian
Education: Kent Foreigner School
Siblings: Two sisters
Hobbies: Watching Movies, Graffiti art
Experience: UCC TV Star "How to Seduce Mr. Daniel"; MBoat's Monday Concerts

Jisu ★ (Park Jisu)
Real Name: Park Jisu
Birthdate: July 28th, 1990
Height: 180cm (5'11")
Weight: 60kg (132lbs)
Blood Type: B
Religion: Christian
Education: Hanyang High School
Siblings: One sister
Hobbies: MIDI, Piano
Featured In: MC Mong's "Dalmatian Love"; MC Mong's 'Variety Mind' Concert

Young Won ★ (Lee Dongrim)
Real Name: Lee DongRim
Birthdate: April 1st, 1990
Height: 177cm (5'9")
Weight: 62kg (137lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Religion: Christian
Education: Hansol High School
Siblings: One brother
Hobbies: Watching Movies, Dancing
Experience: Placed 1st in Busan Youth Song Festival

so dis is my fave K-pop Band right now i have high expectation on them i hope they can b successful in da future... n gain more n more attention from the world... "DALMATIAN READY FOR THE WORLD" wuff!! wuff!! wuf!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mo~mo~ mochan!!!!

i luv disturb dis lil things... even though in the end of the day
i will get bite n scratch all over my hand n my feet but its okie
coz... dis lil thigs is so damn cute

can anybody measure how big mochan stomach is...
hehehehehe... he just 3 month old... now he become like dis
huhuhu... mochan stay healthy okie -mokcik-

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Supper... best supper evr....

Angah cook me dis... huhuhu he is really good cook ae...
lucky gurl if tat someone marry to my big bro...
dis is some... somethin i would like to share with ya!!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Tomo Chan Storie =)

a very cold day...
its a very nice if i could sleep on the sofa
feel so warm... but... but after tat

huh... dis mokcik always trick me... i want to sleep peacefully
oso cannot... so i must do sumethin...
gotta come with evil plan... MOKCIK u just wait n c...

mokcik... u think i donno... how to use lappy... i noe taw...
put sumetin... put sumetin in da lappy...
it called... MOchan Virus... so tat mokcik never forget to
buy me Whiskas... Hahahahahahahahahaha

dis is my mokcik... finally she caught me... but she didnt
noe... tat ive already done with my evil plan... hahahahha